Our Diploma Papers

Paper Selection at Diploma Outlet

At Diploma Outlet, only top-of-the-line paper stock is good enough to be used for all our fake diplomas and transcripts and other document printing. This is paper that is very similar to what is often used in actual schools. For fake US diplomas the most common paper size is 8″ X 6″ and 8.5×11; we also offer printing in 11×14 size sheets as well. For fake international diplomas the standard size we offer is A4 size. We can also do a custom cut for your document to any size that falls within our maximum paper size of a 11″ x 14″ sheet. Make sure you let us know you need a custom cut and just ask us what we need from you to make it happen!

These document that we print every day for customers like you may be fake but the quality of our diploma and transcript paper is far from fake! We offer a similar paper to what you will find on actual high school, college, and university documents. Several styles and colors are also available.
The fake diplomas, degrees, and transcripts from Diploma Outlet all include:

  • ThermoTech mark that shows up on copies, just like real school documents
  • Watermarks on the front or back of the document, or both is needed
  • Security Fibers in the paper itself
  • Glow Fibers can be requested for additional authenticity
  • 60# offset weight

Authenticity can be a tricky thing when it comes to fake transcripts, diplomas, degrees, and other school papers because it is so much in the eye of the beholder. SO much comes down to what the person sees and thinks when they first view your document. Nothing plays a more important role in making sure a duplicate degree or transcript looks authentic than the paper used in printing. Diploma paper of the highest quality stock helps your novelty piece stand up under casual and scrutinizing examination. Paper quality goes a long way in reacting a believable print and even the best design and print will look cheap and fake when printed on cheap copy paper. Diploma paper is available through Diploma Outlet in aged parchment, natural parchment, white parchment, and pewter parchment.

We are 100% reliable “Novelty” diploma website that is perfect for replacement degrees, diplomas, certificates, and transcripts. We guarantee our diploma will meet your expectations and be made to the highest quality of standards. We don’t just say that but stand by it with each and every order we fill. At Diploma Outlet we walk with you through every step of the process and guarantee quality and excellence in ever print job we do. Come and see for yourself the difference we can make, starting with quality printing paper!

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